A New Cellular License Plate Camera Has Been Introduced


Day after day, new technology floods the world. And because of the speed at which technology moves, you will be left behind if you don't participate. Canadian cloud-based developer of Unified Security, Public Safety,  Traffic Operations, Genetec Inc. Business Intelligence software has launched the next generation mobile automatic numbering system in Chicago.

Powered by the Intel Movidius Myriad X VPU chipset (Intel Vision Module), the Genetec AutoVu SharpZ3 camera module is one of the world's first in-car ALPR systems that uses Intel Computer Vision technology.

The features of the SharpZ3 AutoVu system enable high-level innovation, situational awareness and vehicle accuracy. The SharpZ3 AutoVu system is expected to be available in early 2020. It also has three optical sensors in the camera to allow additional analysis such as precise object positioning and modular housing that allows users to easily add new features to the field without difficulty and device replacement costs.

By using Intel's artificial intelligence and image processing technology, the AutoVu SharpZ3 system can not only improve the accuracy of reading license plates in difficult environments such as bad weather, heavy traffic and high speed, but also directly recognize additional data such as vehicle type, color and other attributes.

    This technology can also detect unpermitted road construction

In an upcoming version, the AutoVu SharpZ3 camera will allow cities to use their ALPR vehicles to solve other operational problems, such as: detecting unpermitted road construction, discovering abandoned e-scooters or bikes in unauthorized zones, and more.

Genetic, the developer of the Smart Intel Powered Camera, also develops cloud-based solutions and services designed to improve security and provide new operational insights for governments, businesses, operators and communities in more than 80 countries around the world.

With the new SharpZ3 AutoVu system, cities and law enforcement agencies can not only see the sign on the license plate.


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